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Bitmain Antminer AL3 (8Th) Profitability

Calculate the value of your Antminer AL3 (8Th) with our easy to use asic miner calculator!


Antminer AL3 by Bitmain, the next generation Alephium (ALPH) miner. This beast comes with 8TH/s alephium mining hashrate, skyrocketing it to the top of the ASIC profitability list. A game changer for all crypto farms, who are looking for a reliable, powerful and effiient Alephium mining machine for their operation. Power consumption of the machine is only 3200W making it a very well balanced and efficient model.
Search for the Antminer AL3 (8Th) on millionminer (click here).

⛏️ Income ⛏️

$14.60 $438.13 $5,330.59

⚡ Electricity Costs ⚡

$6.14 $184.32 $2,242.56

đź’° Profit đź’°

$8.46 $253.81 $3,088.03

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The Bitmain Antminer AL3 (8Th) is currently mining $8.46 profit a day. The calculations is based on $14.60 income per day from which we deducted $6.14 elecricity costs. This means the Antminer AL3 (8Th) is able to generate up to $438.13 income per month. After you would deduct the electricity price of $184.32 you will have an estimated profit of $253.81 per month.

Hint: With our Hosting Plans you will only pay around 0.08 USD per kWh.

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If the BTC price reaches $94397 you would earn estimated $15.76 per day.

More Information

The Bitmain Antminer AL3 uses a highly specialized chipset based on the latest 7nm semiconductor technology, which significantly enhances its computational capabilities while ensuring lower thermal output due to improved power efficiency. The device features advanced heat dissipation mechanisms, including dual high-speed cooling fans with customized fin designs, optimizing airflow to maintain operational temperatures even in dense mining environments. Additionally, the firmware includes an overclocking feature and real-time performance tracking via Bitmain's proprietary software, allowing users to maximize their hash rate. The miner supports full node integration with Alephium, providing seamless validation and increased network security while offering firmware upgrade capabilities for future-proofing against algorithm changes.

Algorithm Information: Alephium

Alephium (ALPH) is a novel blockchain that introduces a unique consensus mechanism called BlockFlow, which enhances scalability, security, and energy efficiency. Originally designed as a Proof-of-Work (PoW) network, Alephium’s key innovation lies in its UTXO-based sharding technology, enabling the blockchain to split into multiple shards that process transactions in parallel. This sharding model makes the network highly scalable while maintaining decentralization and security.