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Dragonball A40 (3.3TH/s) Profitability

Calculate the value of your A40 (3.3TH/s) with our easy to use asic miner calculator!


The Dragonball A40 is the latest ASIC Miner release for the Alephium (ALPH) ASIC Mineable blockchain. The manufacturer made sure efficiency is incredible, considerg the 3.3 TH/s Alephium hashpower and modest 1600W power consumption. If you decide to invest into Alephium (ALPH) Mining, this unit can be the perfect option to start. Buy your Alephium (ALPH) Mine at MillionMiner.com and enjoy the Free WorldWide DDP Shipping!
Search for the A40 (3.3TH/s) on millionminer (click here).

⛏️ Income ⛏️

$6.02 $180.71 $2,198.59

⚡ Electricity Costs ⚡

$3.07 $92.16 $1,121.28

đź’° Profit đź’°

$2.95 $88.55 $1,077.31

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The Dragonball A40 (3.3TH/s) is currently mining $2.95 profit a day. The calculations is based on $6.02 income per day from which we deducted $3.07 elecricity costs. This means the A40 (3.3TH/s) is able to generate up to $180.71 income per month. After you would deduct the electricity price of $92.16 you will have an estimated profit of $88.55 per month.

Hint: With our Hosting Plans you will only pay around 0.08 USD per kWh.

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If the BTC price reaches $94385 you would earn estimated $5.96 per day.

More Information

The Dragonball A40 features advanced cooling technologies, utilizing a dual-fan system and custom heat sinks to maintain optimal temperatures, enhancing longevity and operational stability. Its firmware supports remote management and real-time monitoring through a proprietary web interface, enabling miners to adjust settings and diagnose issues promptly. The device also includes a fail-safe mechanism that automatically throttles performance during overheating incidents to prevent hardware damage. Additionally, the A40's architecture is optimized for low latency and high throughput, which ensures that it performs exceptionally well under high network loads. This miner is also compatible with advanced mining pools that support Alephium-specific optimizations.

Algorithm Information: Alephium

Alephium (ALPH) is a novel blockchain that introduces a unique consensus mechanism called BlockFlow, which enhances scalability, security, and energy efficiency. Originally designed as a Proof-of-Work (PoW) network, Alephium’s key innovation lies in its UTXO-based sharding technology, enabling the blockchain to split into multiple shards that process transactions in parallel. This sharding model makes the network highly scalable while maintaining decentralization and security.