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Last Update: 23:51
Current Server Time: 23:53

Goldshell CK-BOX CK-BOX 1050GH/s Profitability

Calculate the value of your CK-BOX CK-BOX 1050GH/s with our easy to use asic miner calculator!


Goldshell CK-BOX, optimized for Eaglesong, provides 1.05Th/s at 215W, making it an efficient choice for miners looking to explore new currencies with a quiet noise level of 35db.
Search for the CK-BOX CK-BOX 1050GH/s on millionminer (click here).

⛏️ Income ⛏️

$0.28 $8.32 $101.20

⚡ Electricity Costs ⚡

$0.41 $12.38 $150.67

💰 Profit 💰

$-0.14 $-4.07 $-49.47

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The Goldshell CK-BOX CK-BOX 1050GH/s is currently mining $-0.14 profit a day. The calculations is based on $0.28 income per day from which we deducted $0.41 elecricity costs. This means the CK-BOX CK-BOX 1050GH/s is able to generate up to $8.32 income per month. After you would deduct the electricity price of $12.38 you will have an estimated profit of $-4.07 per month.

Hint: With our Hosting Plans you will only pay around 0.08 USD per kWh.

Request a free offer (click here)!

If the BTC price reaches $94460 you would earn estimated $0.00 per day.

More Information

The Goldshell CK-BOX boasts advanced thermal design that leverages high-efficiency heat sinks and strategically placed ventilation channels to ensure optimal cooling performance. Unlike most ASIC miners, it features an intuitive web-based interface for easier firmware upgrades and miner management. An additional feature is the energy-efficient power supply unit calibrated specifically for the EagleSong algorithm, minimizing energy spikes and power loss. Users also benefit from built-in failover mining pools, ensuring minimal downtime and maximizing hash rate stability. For heightened security, the CK-BOX incorporates advanced encryption for data transmission, protecting mining activities against potential cyber threats.

Algorithm Information: Eaglesong

Eaglesong is a fascinating and innovative crypto mining algorithm that brings a unique approach to the mining process. It is renowned for its ASIC-resistance, which allows for greater decentralization and accessibility to smaller mining pools and individuals. Furthermore, Eaglesong operates on the Chia network, which uses proof-of-space and proof-of-time consensus mechanisms instead of traditional proof-of-work. This results in a more energy-efficient and eco-friendly mining process, making it a more sustainable solution to mining. In addition to its energy-efficient approach, Eaglesong prioritizes security and privacy, with features like random number generation and obfuscated transaction data. This enhances the security and privacy of the network, making it a trustworthy and reliable option for miners.