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iBeLink BM-K1 Max BM-K1 Max Kadena Profitability

Calculate the value of your BM-K1 Max BM-K1 Max Kadena with our easy to use asic miner calculator!


iBeLink BM-K1 Max for Kadena delivers 32Th/s at 3200W, highlighting iBeLink's focus on high-performance Kadena mining. Its 75db noise level makes it a top contender for miners aiming to dominate in the Kadena mining space.
Search for the BM-K1 Max BM-K1 Max Kadena on millionminer (click here).

⛏️ Income ⛏️

$0.77 $23.17 $281.90

⚡ Electricity Costs ⚡

$6.14 $184.32 $2,242.56

đź’° Profit đź’°

$-5.37 $-161.15 $-1,960.66

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The iBeLink BM-K1 Max BM-K1 Max Kadena is currently mining $-5.37 profit a day. The calculations is based on $0.77 income per day from which we deducted $6.14 elecricity costs. This means the BM-K1 Max BM-K1 Max Kadena is able to generate up to $23.17 income per month. After you would deduct the electricity price of $184.32 you will have an estimated profit of $-161.15 per month.

Hint: With our Hosting Plans you will only pay around 0.08 USD per kWh.

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If the BTC price reaches $94385 you would earn estimated $-4.99 per day.

More Information

The iBeLink BM-K1 Max incorporates cutting-edge ASIC technology that ensures optimized power efficiency and enhanced heat dissipation. It features a robust FPGA control module, enhancing its adaptability for future firmware upgrades to improve mining performance. The miner’s precision clocking capabilities reduce latency in work verification, leading to quicker block confirmations. The BM-K1 Max also supports secure remote monitoring and management via a sophisticated Web GUI, allowing for seamless operations. Advanced cooling techniques employed include dual-fan systems and high-grade heatsinks, designed to maintain optimal operating temperatures even under heavy load. Additionally, this unit includes built-in protections against power surges and overheating.

Algorithm Information: KADENA

Kadena is a cutting-edge cryptocurrency miner algorithm that utilizes advanced blockchain technology to ensure fast, secure, and efficient transactions. Unlike traditional miner algorithms, Kadena incorporates unique features such as chain-of-blockchains, consensus protocol, and smart contracts, which allow for a scalable, low-latency network. Additionally, Kadena has implemented a secure computing platform, known as Pact, which is used to execute smart contracts and manage consensus. One of the key benefits of using Kadena is its ability to perform complex computations with ease, while still maintaining a high level of security. This is because Kadena’s consensus protocol uses a unique combination of proof-of-stake and proof-of-work, which ensures that the network is resistant to 51% attacks and other forms of malicious activity. Furthermore, Kadena’s chain-of-blockchains design allows for increased interoperability, enabling the integration of various other blockchain technologies into its network. Kadena’s smart contract capabilities are also noteworthy, as they provide a flexible and powerful platform for businesses to develop and execute complex business processes. This allows for a wide range of applications, from financial services to supply chain management and more. In conclusion, Kadena’s innovative approach to miner algorithms makes it an interesting player in the crypto space. Its advanced features and scalability make it a strong contender for businesses looking for a secure, efficient, and versatile blockchain platform.